Mind Series Wiki


"I just need to take a second, and think... really, really hard..."

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Powell's Mind (spelling varies) is a machinima series by runescapemusicman2, who would go on to become known as Headhunter Productions, the creator of Matt's Mind and Howard's Mind. It follows a World War 2 soldier, Lieutenant Mike Powell.

Series Overview[]

follow the thoughts of a world war 2 veteran who has no idea what he is doing through his unintended adventures behind enemy lines as he infiltrates various enemy facility's, blows some stuff up, hijacks a state of the art German tank, and all the while complains excessively.

The series takes place across several major conflicts during World War 2 - in Algeria, North Africa on November 7th 1942, Norway on February 12th 1943, and Omaha Beach during the D-Day landings on June 6th 1944. The title character is a first lieutenant in the United States Army's 1st Ranger Batallion, formerly of the 34th Infantry Division, though his background somewhat differs from his canonical video game counterpart, as by his own testimony he joined the military to dodge criminal charges related to being "wanted in several states for selling drugs to minors", though he insists it was accidental and "that one kid looked eighteen".

In Episode 9, Bruno Ganz appears as Adolf Hitler via footage from the German-language film Downfall, with English subtitles rewritten to comical effect, as was a popular meme at the time. (In reality, Hitler was likely in Berlin at this time.) Mike hears his enraged ranting and offhandedly retorts that he should calm down, sardonically remarking that "it's not like you're the leader of the Nazi Party".

Character personality[]


Powell's plan for world domination, as available on Hunter's blog.

It has been suggested by some that Powell is a time traveller, due to Powell's knowledge of eBay, zombies, Chuck Norris, the Grand Theft Auto video game series, and even Parker's Mind, and owning an iPhone despite being a soldier in the 1940s, long before any of these things were conceived (Chuck Norris was born in 1940, making him the exception as he was alive during the events in question; however, as an infant, he was not yet known as the renowned martial artist and actor he would become later). He also accurately predicts when he is going to be inexplicably teleported to the Black Mesa Research Facility. He claims to originally be from Mars, to which he quickly amends "Mars, Alabama".

He has a relationship with a fellow soldier and allied agent he refers to as 'Jibbableobejiggenflozin' similar to that of Parker and Hendrix in Parker's Mind. He was deeply affected when the agent was killed in action, though he seemed to recover very quickly.

Name spellings[]

  • Powell's mind (1)
  • Powels mind (25)
  • Powel's mind (8)
  • Powels Mind (8)


Episode 8 was removed from public viewing and remade in response to the original version being riffed on in Out Of Our Minds; in response, the creator has Powell refer to "emperor Simon", a soldier who killed all his allies before going on to invade New Zealand (a reference to his character in Parker's Mind).

Barns' Mind (spinoff)[]

Follow the thoughts of Sargeant Jack Barns. a 24 year old US soldier as he fights through Germans, tanks, and anything else they may throw at him.
In this episode... Barns' team gets killed, he jumps from a plane, and injures himself.

On March 2nd 2012, Headhunter Productions released a trailer teasing a new series to be recorded in the Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Spearhead expansion pack, following the misadventures of Sergeant Jack Barns[sic] across the fields of Normandy during the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied France on June 6th, 1944 (D-Day). Days later, on March 6th, the first (and as of 2021, the only) episode was released. An update video from March 28th implied future episodes were planned that might address the pilot's primary criticism, the low brightness; however, nothing more was heard of it.



Barns' Mind spinoff[]


Gag Reel[]
