Mind Series Wiki

Not to be confused with: Mike (Matt's Mind).

Mike (identified within Sector 17 Overwatch as CP Unit 107) is a Civil Protection officer working for the Combine Overwatch of City 17 with his partner and best friend, Dave in the Half-Life 2 machinima series Civil Protection. Mike is voiced by Ross Scott, who also voices Gordon Freeman in Freeman's Mind and Freeman's Mind 2, the latter of which features a cameo from Mike.

Character Personality

Mike is the calmer, more mature of the two. He always seems to end of up talking to himself in a captivating manner, much like Freeman does, and also seems to have the same type of humor as he does. Not entirely like his counter part however, he does not do drugs.

Mike seems to know a lot about the inner working of the Civil Protection Unit, but very little about what's deeper in the Combine, not knowing what a Strider was or a Stalker calling it a "piercing junky". This may be the case of all Civil Protection forces however, as Mike described in Episode 2: Aliens, that no-one has ever seen the Combine in person, they simply brought another alien race they had already enslaved to take over Earth.

Mike lastly seems very fascinated with food, complaining about someone stealing his chocolate chip cookies, telling Dave if he train jumps with him, he owes him lunch all of next week, saying forms of food like Chinese, Teriyaki, and so on to himself, and lastly he loves the donut shop however, this is also loved by Dave, as well as several other Combine forces as it appears.


  • In Episode 7: Morning Patrol, Mike tells Dave to stay away from the Houndeye saying it's bad news, a possible reference to how Freeman, also voiced by Ross Scott, deals with them very often. (It is also possible that it's common knowledge that Houndeyes can create shockwaves and Dave is simply unaware that.)
  • The G-Man has been seen on Episode 4: On A Rail, fixing his tie and walking away around the same time Dave comes back from train surfing, meaning that Mike, Dave, or even both of them maybe under his watch just like with Freeman, Shephard and several others.
  • He and Dave cameo in Episode 7 of Freeman's Mind 2. They are seen by Gordon running toward the taco truck as he attempts to evade CP officers by hiding in the sewers.
  • There is a theory that he is the Gordon Freeman seen in Episode 61.5 of Freeman's Mind; the theory posits that he is a clone created by a teleporter accident who adopted a false identity.
    • On September 18 2023, during that month's video chat, Ross Scott was asked about the theory and stated that he viewed Mike and Freeman as different characters.